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Smart Phone Bitch

One who uses their smart phone to do the bidding of someone who does not have a smart phone

Cindy: " Yeah, I was that woman's smart phone bitch Friday, she had my thumbs tapping the keyboard all night long."
Lynn:, "Damn, I hate it when that happens, why don't they get their own smart phone?"

by cindylouwholigan January 17, 2012

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cell phone bitch slap

verb: to slap someone in the face with a flip open cell phone. The act of slapping while opening cell phone.

shut up before i cell phone bitch slap you. Yo... WHERE YOU AT!!

by nicole and carson March 22, 2005

17👍 22👎

Phone Bitch

The person in an office setting designated to answer the phone when no one else will. Especially in a high call setting, such as the ‘hate department’. Generally the newest person in this high turn over department.

I’m not phone bitch today, that’s Sandra!

by Tracy’s Hotline July 20, 2019