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Something you hump

uhh yeah im humping my pillow

by thrgere August 11, 2020

23๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


It is a very soft rectangle or sometimes it is a circle. A pillow is filled with feathers and is very comfortable. Recently a company in Kentucky named The Chicken Bucket invented a revolutionary pillow filled with chicken nuggets.

I'm so tired I wish I had a Pillow with me

by Dj U know who December 4, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something soft you can squish and lay on top of.

I slept all over that pillow last night, but I hate when it gets wet that just ruins the fun.

by Drsquidward July 10, 2018


A soft object you put your head on to make your sleeping experience more enjoyable and comfortable.

I can't sleep without my favorite pillow, it helps me relax and I have had it since I was a kid.

by singdanceactlove2000 March 24, 2016


Someone who has no backbone or gonads, totally unable to think for himself and therefore takes direction from someone else. Thus, he is a pillow and bares the imprint of the last ass that sat on him..

My ex-best friend is a pillow. His new girlfriend doesn't like me, so he threw away our friendship because she told him to do it.

by CrazyManNo9B August 30, 2010

38๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


A combination of the colors pink and yellow.

My favorite color is Pillow!

by Kore-wa Watashi-desu February 27, 2009

22๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pillow, a word used for someone that is 'uncool' or 'moist'

Dude 1 : "That guy is watching High school musical". Dude 2 : "Haha, he's so pillow"

by Matiassss January 17, 2012

13๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž