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pol is basicly a better word for lol

that was so funny, pol

by dontstoptillyougetenough April 28, 2012

34πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


The hottest person in the world. A Pol can be very dramatic but his hotness makes up for that. Pols have a great ass, and you will never meet someone as great as them. You should never touch a Pol's hair, because you will die. Pols are crazily funny, and are generally the most popular people in the school, and are friends with everyone. But beware, you may have uncontrollable, demonic laugh attacks when you are paired with someone named Naomi.

Especially those Pols that have a last name that begins with F.

Person 1: I just met someone named Pol.
Person 2: Did you touch his hair?

Person 1: Yes, I lost my fingers. So aggressive, but he's so nice.

by Wazaaaaaaaaaa September 24, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Pol is a friend of yours (pal).

"What You Doing Tonight?" Friend One.
"Dunno,You Getting On It?" Friend Two.
"Yeah Pol." Friend One.

by rubygal-xx July 1, 2010

12πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


(Male name) typically a catalan name and comes from the Latin Paolus. Pol means small.

Pol is a handsome cunt

by Minijkl October 25, 2020

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


/pol/ is a sub-board, on the 4chan image board. /pol/ stands for Politically Incorrect. Topics cover a wide range of subjects, including politics, culture, social issues, religion, law, finance, and current events.

People are free to express themselves anonymously, in challenging, enjoyable, and occasionally quite offensive, debate. The regular posters on /pol/ tend to be a rather conservative, anti-multicultural, and anti-feminist, although a wide range of viewpoints are regularly expressed.

Like it's big brother, /b/ the "random" board, /pol. is not a place for the faint of heart. The language can be vulgar, the discourse brutal, and no one is given respect, you must earn it, albeit only temporarily.

/pol/ is eeeeeeevil. Comment on a forum by Omomon

I’ve seen this a lot on 4chan… a lot on /pol/… don’t ask. Comment on a forum by Kyntak

by /Pol/ly Pulpit October 4, 2013

596πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž


A place where intellectuals go to have civilized debates on important global issues with critical analyses and with no restriction on what can be said. These people come a very diverse backgrounds and are far above echo chambers and emotional outbursts. In fact, the manner is so pleasant that your children can actually be stimulated intellectually just by viewing one thread.

Sadly, it is often attacked by the general masses and the media for the high IQ required to post there which they cannot even begin to comprehend. /pol/ Is thought to be a passion project by Dan Harmon, Justin Roiland, Stephen Hawking, and God himself to create the most perfect and challenging discussions ever conceived by humanity.

Morty: Gee Rick, it frustrates me that there isn't a place on the internet where people can look at fresh and challenging viewpoints.

Rick: Just go on /pol/ you shill of a grandson. Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!

by forwhomthebellstoll July 19, 2018

395πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž


the most ethnically diverse white supremacist group on the internet

"pol-meetup-2017.jpg daily reminder that literally noone on /pol/ is white"

by Baikonur August 5, 2018

65πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž