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when someone is so rude or cant stop asking for more

kyle already had sex wit ashleys sister.
kyle: wana fuck
ashley: wooow u so poro

by nnnf December 9, 2008

12👍 20👎

dead poro

The worst thing that could ever be searched up through Google Images. Trust me, you'll need bleach for your eyes and a fast "delete search history" to clear any thoughts of this after seeing it.

Dickhead: hey mayne search up dead poro lololol xDDDDDDDD

by MisterLolcakes August 23, 2014

33👍 18👎

poro slap

The act of violently smacking someone using your out-poked tongue. Derived from the anatomy of Poro's (from League of Legends), which are constantly poking out their tongues.

"Don't make me poro slap you"
"I poro slapped her so hard last night, if you know what i mean"

by elitinism January 3, 2014


italian slang for joint

"passa il poro bro" - "pass the joint, bro"

by italianslanger June 22, 2020


The name come from the little white pet with horn in League of Legends "poro" is used to describe something that is more than cute

"Person 1 : You told me that you had a new cat right ?

Person 2 : Yes, he's in my bedroom come to see it

Person 3 : Holy crap !! He's si poro i can't"

by Zvadek January 7, 2024