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The act of blowing up a balloon using the gas from your anus

Anal clown: "As an anal clown, I must use Rectumglarium-primation to blow up balloons in my acts."
Billy: "Wow, I never knew blowing up balloons with your ass would be such a popular thing."

by Sidney Stevens May 13, 2021

Patio Primate

The politically correct version of "porch monkey"

Joe: Hey look at that porch monkey!

Tom: Hey, hey, hey he's a patio primate!

by OriginalPatioPrimate October 6, 2009

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punishing the primate

spanking the monkey, polishing the buddha

I'm going to have to punish my primate otherwise I'll need a wheelbarrow for my sack.

by butt weasel August 29, 2003

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Portico Primate

A polite way to call a person of African American decent a porch monkey. Often used to offend a person without them getting mad at you.

(White guy) You are such a Portico Primate

(Black guy) Um . . . . okay?

by Big AL inc. June 19, 2011

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irate primate

when a woman is being tag-teamed by two guys, one doggy-style and one in her mouth, the man from behind pulls out to spuge on her back. as this happens with a cock-filled mouth, the woman moans and groans (sounding like a monkey) as she has her arms in the air, trying to slap the goo off of her back. hence, sounding and looking like a monkey.

man, we gave this chick such an irate primate the other night, king kong could smell it.

by gizelly May 3, 2011


In 2001A.D., a new species of man/woman was discovered in the southern region of California, Orange county. This mutant species wasn’t found by scientists, there were discovered by lending institutions. This new species is called, “Sub-Primate,” and they’re direct descendants of all who are Nigger Rich.

Huddled in apartment complexes throughout the region, the species began growing in vast numbers due to attractive lease incentives offered by their local Audi, BMW, Infinity, Lexus, and Mercedes Benz dealerships. Basking in the “Ohhhs and Ahhhs” of being seen in their leased chariots, the Sub-Primates began to yearn for more out their meager existence.

One evening, while acting like they actually had two pennies to rub together down at the local Starbucks, Sub-Primates from the Ladera Ranch Tribe overheard some grunts and cackles of the Aliso Viejo Tribe. These grunts and cackles told a story of how a 28 year old Blockbuster employee, without a high school diploma, $6.15 in his savings account opened by his grandmother when he was born, wearing low-rider wigger pants, just walked into a bank, gave some guy a dollar, and now owns a million dollar home for a payment of just $2.00 more than the lease payment on his BMW 745I.

Soon after what was to be just another evening of nursing one Expresso Roast for 6 hours, entire apartment complexes were vacated, $20 million dollar homes were being erected, and life, as we once knew it, became a scene out of the great film Idiocracy. And just like in the movie, the Sub-Primates were content, wandering through life aimlessly and shamelessly, looking forward to the sequel of the movie, “Ass.”

The moral to this story, as well as the Sub-Primate species is simply this: If you don’t have a fucking dollar to your name, don’t go out and buy anything! If someone is working at Blockbuster, McDonalds, Del Taco, they can’t afford a fucking million dollar home. If you loan money to these fuckers, you should be hunt down and executed with extreme prejudice. If you purchase land, build houses, and sell to these fuckers (William Fucking Lyon), then you can go the fuck broke, and don’t even think of greasing D. C.’s palms for fucking handouts. And as speculated, when 2010 rolls around, when real estate will begin to balance out, maybe someone won’t be on the take like fucking George W. Bush and his crony’s!

Carls Jr., FUCK YOU!

Hey Biff, there goes another Sub-Primate out of Coto in a U-Haul. I heard that wigger looking mother fucker just got foreclosed on. What did you expect, fucker rents me movies down at Blockbuster.

by Fake Hate July 11, 2008

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Primate Mode

To engage in a type of laziness where only the most basic needs for survival are met, typically food, sleep, and sex. In humans, this behavior is most commonly observed on weekends, days off, and vacations. Named after the animalistic behavior exhibited by apes, monkeys, chimps, gorillas, orangutans, and wookiiees.

Dude 1: I just finished my last midterm and I have nothing to do for a week!

Dude 2: What are you gonna do with your vacation?

Dude 1: Order a pizza, invite a girl over, and go into Primate Mode for a few days.

by Alpha_Primate March 1, 2010

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