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A well educated individual who actively spreads facts about vaccines to disbunk the misinformation that anti-vaxxers spew. This person is also known to mock anti-vaxxers mercilessly and thoroughly enjoys tearing apart the outdated studies or cherry picked information that they post.

Pro-vaxxers will laugh at you if you mention Wakefraud.

by ProudProvaxxer January 1, 2019

34๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


An individual who knows the importance and necessity of vaccines, advocating for the widespread usage. Unlike an anti-vaxxer, a pro-vaxxer believes in science, and does not subscribe to quackery regarding the healing properties (or lack thereof) of random items, such as oils or crystals.

Anti-vaxxer: Big PHarMa mAkE us SICKER! There's no prOoF that vAccINes heLp us!

Pro-vaxxer: Actually, there is an enormous amount of evidence for the efficacy and safety of vaccines. And no evidence for the claims made by you.


by The Scoutmaster January 2, 2019

68๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who understands that doctors and immunologists have a far greater understanding of the risks and benefits of vaccine safety than a self described expert on social media or a blog. A pro-vaxxer is often vocal because they understand that diseases like whooping could (pertusis) continue to cause until suffering and even death; but is very preventable with a safe vaccine. Pro-vaxxers are often scientists, doctors or people who have lost loved ones dues to vaccine preventable diseases.

A pro-vaxxer answered my questions about vaccine safety and I am seeing my doctor for more expert information.

by Skeptimite January 1, 2019

107๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pro Vaxxer

People who donโ€™t use mommy blogs to defend themselves. They are competent and donโ€™t want people exposed to preventable diseases. They donโ€™t fight with doctors who have years of experience claiming they know more.

The pro vaxxer was smart and decided to vaccinate their kid, allowing them to live a long and healthy life.

by Awesomesaucer1999 January 2, 2019

106๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person with more than 6 brain cells, unlike anti-vaxxer.

a pro-vaxxer like Julie prefers her child to live a long life, rather than die an excruciatingly painful death at age 2.

by MedKat January 1, 2019

29๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone with common sense who knows that Facebook mom groups donโ€™t give accurate information

Someone who is pro-vaxx chooses not to believe in pseudo-science made by people who enjoy killing their kids

Sam: Vanessa used to be an Anti-vaxxer until her daughter died of measles. Now sheโ€™s is a pro-vaxxer

James: all smart people are pro-vaxxers, Iโ€™m so glad she saw the light because her neighbor has cancer that ruined her immune system and sheโ€™d be dead if she got measles.

Sam: Anti-vaxxers donโ€™t care about the general public anyway.

by Vaccines Cause Adults January 2, 2019

103๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who believes in the scientific consensus, provided by studies completed by scientists worldwide. Someone who follows the recommendations taken from these studies put forth by the CDC, WHO, and other respective organizations. They are ridiculed and mocked by those who have stopped vaccinating who donโ€™t have the understanding to interpret these recommendations, are willfully ignorant of these recommendations, or believe there is a giant worldwide conspiracy that big pHarma is out to poison their children.

A pro-vaxxer recently joined an anti-vax group, and was told she is poisoning and damaging her child.

by AntivaxxersAreIdiots January 2, 2019

61๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž