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To Pull A Brandon


Thinking Way Too Much At Nite! As Soon As The Sun Goes Down, Your I.Q. Rises And You Think More Deeply.

Dude! Last Nite I "Pulled A Brandon" And Came to The Conclusion That I Really Love Jen!

by McPoofy December 18, 2004

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pull a brandon

To work like a dog or lift a heavy object to the point of giving ones self a hernia

Oh shit that's looks heavy Kevin , be careful you might pull a Brandon and give yourself a hernia

by Strawberries short ass May 10, 2017

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Pulling A Brandon

In destiny when you step in front of your ally as they fire a rocket, getting them killed.

Pulling a Brandon
Player 2: "BEG FORGIVENESS!!!"

by gamerdude99 May 13, 2015

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to pull a brandon

To make any such suicidal attempt, or to just act like a total downer. This person will often complain about his or her life, also associated with acting fake emo.

downer: i feel like killing myself now....
jessica: he is going to pull a brandon

by girl who hates downers July 24, 2009

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Pulling a brandon

When one of your close friends starts dating the girl you like. Can also be known as pulled a Brandon or Brandoning someone.

Yo I heard Jeff started pulling a Brandon yesterday and started dating Tiffany even tho i liked her.

by SeΓ±orPancakes July 27, 2020