Source Code

La Quinta

A versatile Spanish phrase with a vast array of meanings dependent on context, including but not limited to:

- "next to Denny's"
- "new and improved"
- "we're glad you're here"
- "everything just clicks"
- "growth spurt"
- "fast"
- "free high-speed Internet"
- "giving back to the community"

Due to this versatility, some people have claimed that La Quinta is, in fact, a sub-language within Spanish, rather than a simple Spanish phrase.

Problematically, the term has come to mean so many different things that it is possible to form various complete sentences by simply repeating "La Quinta," a property which can cause confusion and incomprehension from an uninformed listener.

La Quinta La Quinta La Quinta, La Quinta?

La Quinta La Quinta!

by Un peso August 24, 2007

80๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

La Quinta

A tight ass little golf community in the Coachella Valley in in Southern California.

"Do you go to Palm Desert?"

"Naw screw that man, I go to La Quinta!"

by CHEEZEWIZ February 1, 2009

105๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

Quinta Virus

A Internet virus spread by Matthew Quinn

"Omg! I think my computer has the Quinta Virus!"

by Toby McQuacker December 7, 2021

La Quinta

Spanish for classy hotel next to the interstate.

I wonder if there are any hookers at the La Quinta?

by JIMbigWOOD November 14, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

La Quinta

The definition of La Quinta, as in La Quinta Inn: Next to Denny's

Weren't La Quintas's located next to Denny's?

by Woody73 March 19, 2007

47๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

la quinta

Descriptive of something either terribly horrid (dogshit), or something unbelievably amazing (SHIT)

My la quinta friends made me do this. Now I have a negative dock on my already la quinta digital footprint .

by kyiyktenet January 29, 2023

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who is sexually attracted to men, women, animals, rocks and shrubbery.

dude, someone had an orgy.

it was just a quinta-sexual getting all his thrills on at once.


by captaincuntknuckles April 10, 2009

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