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That moment you hear a Rihanna song on the radio that hasn’t been played in a while, instead of that incessant one that’s playing non-stop that you can’t quite seem to get out of your head.

Me-“Hey, I haven’t heard Pon de Replay in awhile. Glad it’s not that Diamonds song again.”
Alicia -“Yeah but I’d honestly rather not hear anything from her at all. Still, quite a Rih-lief”

by tsunamipanda May 8, 2013

2👍 2👎

Rih Huh

The asian-american (possibly hawaiian) way to say "rid of her".

"Gaston, you need to get rih huh, you dont play golf no more."

"But i like my girlfriend karl!"

by Pedrozzzza September 10, 2009

1👍 4👎

Renee Martin (Rih)

The funniest and baddest bitch of all. She deadass funny as fuck but deep down shes a depressed as bitch. Errone loves Renee

"Renee Martin (Rih) fr the baddest bitch"
"No Kap"
"Fax no printa"

by MsRih July 16, 2019


When a woman who’s straight or man who’s gay is attracted to Rihanna but not other women.

Rih-sexual eg. Rihanna is so hot but I wouldn’t date other girls.

by Elliehep June 29, 2020


Acronym for Real Isopod Hours

Jackie: you up?
James: Yeah what.
Jackie: Wanna go get some chicken wings?
James: It's 5am.
Jackie: It's RIH, don't be a lil bitch.

by February 10, 2018


rih is just a short way of saying right

lmao u rih i shouldn’t have said tha.

by bigpimpin203 July 19, 2021