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Adjective: acting wild and aggressive

My girl was making me all ramsy with her nagging, so I smacked her.

by Doug Timson September 16, 2006

6πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

gordon ramsy

A fucking jerk who can't control his temper and he cant find the lamb sauce

Where's the LAMB SAUCE!!!!-Gordon ramsy

by Humans person February 19, 2018

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


An osdd1b system who are good friends but also have a co host who wishes death upon every fictive. They are lactose intolerant. They have a subsystem of just jshlatts. They have over 100 alters and a toxic ex who made a fake entry about them. They are AMAZING people.

β€œMy friend is such a RamSys”

by IcarusDied_ March 2, 2022


Ramsis is proud of his MD and the work that he does. He loves his wife-to-be Winnie very much and she loves him too. He is a faith-seeking believer and hopes to illuminate every room that he enters.

Dr. Ramsis Ramsis, it's time to wake up and work

by Winnierunsworld November 23, 2021