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verb: (colloquial)as a reaction or response to something.

It was reactionary when the people voted against the senate.

by conradlee October 4, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A reactionary is, generally speaking, someone who is not only opposed to change, but wants to roll the clock back on any changes that have already happened. This stands in contrast to a conservative, who wants to maintain the status quo.

2. In what is either an Orwellian attempt to rewrite language, or the result of the defense mechanism known as projection, the word "reactionary" is also used by reactionaries as a slur against anyone who is not a reactionary.

1. The economic policies of Ronald Reagan were reactionary, because they rolled back many of the regulations and protections that had been created during the 20th century, based on the very same laissez faire economic theories that had previously resulted in the Great Depression.

2. I hate these reactionaries who advocate an expansion of the rights of marginalized people. We should send them back to the days when no one ever heard or cared about trans women getting stabbed to death; that would teach them who was boss.

by Queen Buttrix April 28, 2016

163๐Ÿ‘ 1301๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used by college socialists and neo-Marxists to describe anyone with political views to the right of Mao. The word has its roots in the Communist model of history, where all of human history is supposedly one long class struggle between the working class and the bourgeois.

Chuck took an Uber on the Uber strike day! And last week, he told me he doesnโ€™t believe in a 90% tax rate for the rich. Heโ€™s such a reactionary.

by malik_sappa May 9, 2019

885๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who "reacts" to change. Specifically reacts to social and cultural progress. A rejection of structure based on objective reality.

This is seen often in the far-left and is most commonly attributed to elements of it that reject social progress (ironically calling their rejection of progress as progress) and prefer a return to no formal social structure or culture, similar to primitivism. Ironically, as typical in leftist circles, the left tries to take such words and weaponize them against their enemies by giving them the opposite meaning. Similar to "fair-share" to the leftist meaning 0% taxes for some citizens and 80% taxes for the ebil nazi working class.

Antifa, and the modern uneducated leftist, is reactionary to the progress of Western society, and wished to return to a form of communal unstructured society often found in chimpanzee society.

by PetePabs May 31, 2018

1421๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž


The one who is able to understand that authority and discipline are immutable moral values, not needing a government or even a technocrat to tell him what is right or wrong. It aims at a society without the evils of modernity: representative mass democracy, technological vices, liberalism, feminism, gender equality, socialism, materialism, consumerism, narcissism, cosmopolitanism, ecumenism, mass media, the myth of success and progress, populism, Global financial system, globalization . Someone beyond the right-left spectrum, evils of The French Revolution. It proposes a simpler life, being able to develop within its true potential, a true existence. It can grudgingly accept any decentralized state, as long as it does not violate its culture, dignity and morality. One who is anti-system and believes in a rebirth of an organic society.

"The anarcho-reactionary is anti-system and sees the materialist world in decline."

by tradical June 4, 2021

30208๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


noun, a traditional old-school photographer who still prefers film to digital.

"My last professor at the art institute was a total photo-reactionary."

by White Andre April 22, 2009

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

New reactionary socialism


is a right-wing form of socialism and is a purely idealogical, multi-faceted social construct or (socioeclectic) comprised of both primary and incidental properties;


a; virtue
b; morality
c; ethics


a; economics
b; politics

new reactionary socialism in contrast to Marxian socialism which is an ideology and is therefore forceful and represents what society is and should be instead is an (idealology) which in contrast is suggestive. whereby its core ethos is given precedence to incorporeal idealism as opposed to corporeal economic materialism which is the case with leftist Socialism.

is a (idealogical) as opposed to (ideological) multi-faceted social construct or (socio-eclectic) evolved form of its traditional predecessor reactionary Socialism, maintaining a number of its original attributes such as;

a; maintaining that all traditional social and cultural structures, norms, mores, and values should be maintained.

b; anti bourgeois (Capitalists/Corporatists).

c; anti-Liberalism

d; opposing secularization of society

e; opposing anti-traditionalists

f; opposing the unnatural โ€˜materialistic and unnaturalโ€™ modern social and cultural norms.

g; anti-divisive Jacobian ideologies, such as Secular Fundamentalism, Marxism, Progressivism etc).

h; anti-leftism

new reactionary socialism differs on a few points as well. such as upholding the principle of individualism and not collectivism. new reactionary Socialism also contains a number of new points which are comprised of both primary and incidental properties;


a; virtue
b; morality
c; ethics


a; economics
b; politics

new reactionary socialism in contrast to Marxian socialism, its core ethos is given precedence to incorporeal idealism as opposed to corporeal economic materialism as is the case with Marxian socialism. new reactionary socialism does not as yet exist, however with proper education and revision of the social moral compass. new reactionary socialism can be realized.

by Baron Neville July 9, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž