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Red nose

The act of eating a girl out while she is on her period

Look he just got Red nosed

by Alien3 February 6, 2017

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Red Nosing it

A term used to describe the act of using your nose to pleasure a woman vaginally on her period. To use ones nose to stimulate a womans clitoris while she is still menstruating.

What type of woman would allow a man to be Red Nosing it? Not my type of woman for damn sure!

by the2ndflood September 22, 2007

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Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day is an official Day of the year where the United States among other countries helps third world countries by feeding starving children and donating supplies and medical aid.

John Legend sang the song Lay Me Down on Red Nose Day.

Can I lay by your side? I'll take care of you and make sure you're alright.

-John Legend

by PWS27 May 9, 2017

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red nose scare

The wave of creepy clown sightings sweeping the nation and causing terror and mass hysteria. Derived from the red noses clowns wear and the "red scare" of the 1950s.

The red nose scare began in the second half of 2016.

Did you see that mob running around looking for creepy clowns? It's a red nose scare!

by surferninja October 7, 2016

red nose sucker

A dirty vagina.

Keith was about to go down on this trollop but she definitely had a red nose sucker!!

by The red nose fisherman March 19, 2017

red nosed rat

A bloody used tampon.

My old lady got pissed at me one night and threw her red nosed rat at me.

by Herf69 November 13, 2007

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tumblr red nose syndrome

Tumblr red nose syndrome is a common trend on the art style of tumblr. It is when a nose is drawn with blush, like if they are blushing or have a cold. The thing is, they aren't blushing. And they are not sick. It is just considered part of a style, a very common one.

Mary: Oh hey that's a cute drawing!
Rose: Yeah, too bad it has tumblr red nose syndrome.

by FeelingPunk February 22, 2017