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When you looking at porn so that you can become more educated about sex

Oh great she's doing research again that computer is going to be tied up for hours

by Kevin1588 October 24, 2017

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for research

When you're gonna Jack it but don't wanna out right mention it

"What's her name... for research?"

by ParaplegicPotato November 23, 2016


To become an expert on something after having done a Google search and 10 minutes reading on the internet.

Doctor, I have eczema. I've done some research and I'm sure it's from heavy metal poisoning from the mercury in my filings.

by mizanthrop September 13, 2014

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The Research

The Research is an indie pop band from Wakefield, England. The lead singer is Russell "the disaster" who is hilarious and never seen without his baseball cap over his wild hair. He performs using a old Casio keyboard balanced on his knee. 2 girls make up the band- a bass player and a drummer. Most songs are based around failed relationships.

Indie t-shirt: "Hip to The Research"

by charmlessman June 7, 2006


To enter search phrases into google until you find information that reinforces your preconcieved prejudice.

Do your research, and you might wake up to the fact that reptilian humanoids are manufacturing genetically modified vaccines in their FEMA death camps and injecting aborted human fetus tissue in Pumpkin Spice lattes so the toxins make your brains mushier and easy to slurp through a straw.

by Mizta Mizta April 17, 2015

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Definition 1:
Excessive and tedious study used so that students with little more than hot air between their ears can keep up with the smarter ones. It's pretty much an excuse to reword someone else's work using a bibliography.

Definition 2:
An uncommon slang term for masturbation. Often said in a "sarcastic" way.

Def 1:
Man, the mental kid has a better grade than me! He must do a lot of research!

Def 2:
Guy 1: Hey man, can I come over after school?
Guy 2: Naw, call me 30 minutes after. My parents aren't home, so I'm gonna do some... research...
Guy 1: Research?
Guy 2: Uhh... yeah!

30 minutes later:

Guy 1: How'd your research go?
Guy 2: It started out slow, but I found a ton of information. It got a bit messy, so I jumped out at the last second and forgot to cite my sources!


Man, the mental kid has a better grade than me! He must do a lot of research!

by sp0rk December 23, 2004

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a fancy word for finding answers online

Hey did you do some research on that essay?

Ya man, I found a website with all the essay topics!

by skippyloverboy April 10, 2012

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