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Drummer for the Beatles, the greatest band of all time. Peace and Love.

Ringo has a sexy nose

by Fat Dog 69 August 25, 2019

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A Ringo is someone in a group of friends who is typically the butt of every joke, the victim of every prank, and generally constantly made fun of, but is always kept in the friend group for these purposes (e.g. the group's punching bag). There is usually only one Ringo per group.

Derived from the popular British band, The Beatles, whose drummer (Ringo Starr) was constantly joked about and pranked by people both within and outside the band. Not to be confused with a group's Yoko Ono.

We always bring our Ringo, Matt, with us on road trips. We shove scrambled eggs in his pants every morning, and he never sees it coming.

by AstroPooper May 2, 2010

61πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


apple, kind-of, also any random word in japanese.
Alt : fourth beetle... or the very american way of saying apple in japanese

Mrs. Wirriams give you ringo for good behavior

by sk and ks November 10, 2010

44πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Ringo is a word used for raccoon. Ringo is one of the most ancient words to this day and was found in old caves left from nearly 10,000 years ago. It is a legend that raccoons used to rule this world and called them selfies ringos.

is that a ringo?
yes it is let’s go pet it!

by Facts about chinchillas December 18, 2019

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A ringo is the person (usually male) in a group of friends or clique who is blamed for everything or always picked on by the rest. Common characteristics of a ringo include laughing when they are insulted, never being able to word things properly, and the fact that they're always good to have around.

Kid 1: Hey, what'd you do last week?
Ringo: I pool played....played...played p–
Kid 1: Hahahahahahahahahaha
Kid 2: You're such a ringo

by ziggystardust July 23, 2014

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A warning of imminent danger; mainly an approaching teacher or other person capable of disciplinary action.


Man 1: "Dude so last night i went out and..."
Man 2: "Ringo."
(Authority figure passes)
Man 1: "Thanks man."

by Damau5 April 13, 2010

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


If you need a name for your cat, and he/she is a massive asshole, then this name is perfect for you. Ringo likes to bite ankles and steal food while you're trying to sleep, but while you're awake, he/she is probably the most innocent thing in the room. But that quiet and cute mood is just a little getting-used-to it warm-up before they turn into Satan.

Dude, every cat I met that's named Ringo is a shit.

by Pappa Jonny August 10, 2018

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