A washer game that can be played anywhere, with anyone from 5 to 55 and fits in the glovebox, best if played naked on the beach or camping.
Let's go to the beach and play Rocce
The smallest and skinniest hog in the lake. Must need microscope to see. Swimmers come after 20 seconds of action. Tiny penis gAng
Simone slobbed on the rocc cocc and he busted in 15 seconds. It was sad.
If your child is using the word rock spelled like this they are the 1# Stoner in your area, look through their phone, their room and follow them around everywhere so they don't smoke no more za.
that's a rocc
A Serbian asshole who inhabits the Glagglepedia Wiki. He’s always a nuisance, hating on other’s interests just for the fun of it and uses his Autism as an excuse to be a dick. Rocc had once teamed up with a few users from Soyjak 4Chan to raid the wiki (mind you most of the wiki users were teenagers) , sending gore and getting one user doxxed.
“Yo dude have you heard of that Rocc guy?”
“Yeah he’s the worst!”