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good at sex

you’re so ronic

by bloodyblond November 2, 2021


LOL expressed in the over used form of 'laugh out loud', combined with ironic meaning that's so ironic it is lame don't you think?

I ran back through the rain to my class to get my raincoat and by the time I got it on and went outside,the rain had stopped.Well that's lol-ronic

by Funkgranny April 16, 2010


Unexpected happening at a coincidental time.

A mother was worried about her child driving in the storm after work. It was God-ronic that a health inspection shut down her job for the day right before the storm hit.

by Kennedy Reign August 21, 2023


Perfecting one's english paper by the outstanding use of writing, spelling, and word usage.

I will need you to help me Ronicalize my paper so I can pass my English Lit class.

by IncognitoZHS November 26, 2011