Source Code


A raisin

Rowan you’re a fucking raisin.

by Badbih666 December 4, 2019

42👍 6👎



wow! look at that Rowan over there!!!!!

by ThEzreAlTeA January 29, 2019

37👍 9👎


As quiet as a mouse but as soon as Dwight Yoakam comes on, he bounces off the walls with excitement like a sex mad chimpanzee. Touch his neck and he will squirm and squeak with fear. No one knows what he is capable of. Sometimes you will be lucky enough to witness rowan noise, an ear piercing hum that is cute but annoying that will give you the urge to beat him. He enjoys the simple things in life and has a spiritual connection to chicken nuggets.

Wow, that guy is doing a Rowan!
Whats that sound?,

*rowan noise*

by Mario Zaletti March 12, 2019

9👍 2👎


A kind, funny, yet shy boy. Who is interested in cubing, and horror movies. He is short and very intelligent, and he usually doesn’t talk much. He is sometimes more active when he is talking with his friends. He usually gets bullied by jockey kids. He runs fast, And he usually has ADHD, ADD, DYSLEXIA, OR OCD. He is not selfless, but he is not selfish, or greedy.

Rowan is _____.

by Rowanator September 29, 2019

18👍 4👎


By large a female name but is typically related to a male name, Rowans are crazy, Athletic, funny and at times very annoying.

If you are lucky enough to know a Rowan you should become good friends, although they are extremely shy and antisocial when you first meet them once they open up they are sure to be one of the funniest people you will ever come across.
Although Rowans may be dumb af and seen stupid they are actually very academically talented and will try to prove so.
Rowans easily make friends and Boyfriends, with their relatable humour and captivating looks.
Rowans are rare and if you’re lucky enough to meet one be sure to become friends

Rowan< Sup
Person< Hi Rowan do we have basketball practice today

Rowan< Idk do we

Person< well that’s what I’m asking

Rowan< ok
Person < omg just tell me

Rowan< yea we do dummy

Person< whatever

Rowan< ( in a mocking tone) whatever
Person< Your so annoying

Rowan< k cya

by Quin77 June 11, 2019

12👍 3👎


Rowan is a person either male or female. They are extremely attractive and usually very creative.

Rowan’s are always the mother or father in their friend group

( but that is because they are usually much more emotionally mature than their peers and feel they cannot connect with their friends)

A Rowan loves books, they love time to themselves and they love the raunb

Rowan do you have a bandaid?”
“Of course. I always do”

“ thanks”

“ hey rowan, how is your book?”
“Shut up.”

“ okay...”

by Plant lady May 14, 2021


Rowanism is the best religion, political ideology and way of life. Only flops don't believe in Rowanism, join today.

Person 1: I like communism.
Person 2: Rowanism is better you flop.

by stan twice <3 March 15, 2022