Source Code

Ruud Van Nistelroy

this is spelled wrong

"ruud van nistelroy" is really spelled van nistelrooy

by andrew December 25, 2004

49👍 6👎

Ruud Van Nistelroy

"the flying dutch man" he scores many goals for Manchester United and is one of their key players

Ruud is awesome!

by Lauren December 12, 2003

29👍 20👎

Ruud Van Nistelrooy

Poorly talented footballer playing in Scumchester United.Famous for his divings and for being a Sir Alex´s bitch.Always warmly received on Arsenal ground.

The bitch - Van Nistelrooy - was beaten by Arsenal FC players.

by Anonymous Gooner April 7, 2005

34👍 114👎

Ruud girl

A bad ass UK street girl, all sugar and spice until you look down at her, then she'll shag you, tell your wife and rob your parents and if you front her up, she'll likely stab you!
Other than that she's a total sweetpea

I met this huni Saturday night but she bled my cash, sniffed my gear and then got off with Ryan just to get a cab home, then she nicked his wallet, absolute ruud girl I tell you!!

by Bad Dad June 22, 2024

Ruud gullit

Alternative term for throat or windpipe

“That beer was lovely, flew straight down the ruud gullit with ease.”

by Sam Hulme April 12, 2024


Ruud is a small guy who isn’t really that small but looks small.

Person: wow you look so small what’s your height

Ruud: 5.6 feet

by YOURRICHAUNTIE November 23, 2021


very cool guy from romania and also nahxd is a chad

hello ruuds

by iamruuds February 23, 2022