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OpposingFork's Sad Story

OpposingFork's Sad Story, we always ask when is the next opposingfork's ___ urban, but we never ask how is OpposingFork's ____ urban 😕. well fork....... wel forky...😨😭😭😭😭😭😭 foky😭 fok🥺fk😨frk😥f😭😭😭😭😭😭

OpposingFork's Sad Story is so sad, it tells opposingforks urban stopries sad in detail

by Dako123 November 1, 2023

OpposingFork's Sad Story But Its Leap Year This Time

OpposingFork's Sad Story But Its Leap Year This Time. Fork waited 4 years for it to be leap year again, like any other normal person he didint mind it but then he remembered his old acc, banned by dako was an account made on a leap year, it was rare and dako deleted it, so he made another account on this date, btw he didint forget to be racist

OpposingFork's Sad Story But Its Leap Year This Time

by Dako123 March 1, 2024

sad story told twice

Sad story told twice is a reference to having a similar background or upbringing as another person. You've heard it before. Father walked out because of drugs, ect.

She was a sad story told twice.

by SeaSkye January 7, 2017