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The Republican Party platform

People who practice sadism enjoy things like locking some black guy in a dungeon for trying a little dope and then letting a large corporation just casually poison that same guy's water supply.

Another popular sadist idea is spending people's tax dollars on causing as much pain as possible. The best way to do this is by raising the overblown US military budget so we can kill a bunch of people, all while cutting healthcare spending at the same time so that even more people can suffer and die from being poor.

by Pantin Zombie September 14, 2017

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Origin: Derived from the marquis de sade

Function (n.) one who derives sexual pleasure from hurting others.

Maquis de sade was the ultimate sadistic writer.

by Kung-Fu Jesus April 16, 2004

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the obtaining of pleasure, sometimes sexual, from being cruel to or hurting another person

by skippy June 14, 2003

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Microwave Sadism

Pleasure and amusement as a result of watching small animals perish in agony after being locked in a microwave oven (and set on high).

This strange personality disorder has been revealed and somewhat known amongst underground internet culture.

After his parents discovered a third dead cat in their microwave, Jimmy was admitted to intensive therapy sessions due to his microwave sadism.

by juiceCULT August 3, 2012

tariff sadism

A tactical cornerstone of the Trump administration designed to convey protectionism while fueling his agenda of keeping the working poor on their knees.

In an obvious effort to redirect our attention away from his corruption, his true inner guiding principle of β€œlet them eat shit” informs the tariff sadism he gleefully inflicts.

by Dr Bunnygirl June 1, 2019

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Self Sadism

When you purposefully do things that you know will hurt yourself or will make you cry.

A:I just read a fanfic in which my favorite character died! I’m crying

B: dude, you knew it would happen! Why do you torture yourself with your self sadism?!

by Violettavonviolet April 30, 2020

Creative sadism

When a writer of television or film causes an audience intense physical pain either through the death of a beloved character or by ending the entire show after making it so good

Tom: "Can you believe Succession is going to end one day?"
Thom: "Yes, it's very typical of oppressive social structures to use creative sadism to exploit the bourgeois by making them dependent on television to distract them from wider issues of systematic abuse - it's panem et circenses all over again"
Tom: "Wtf chill"
Thom: "I will not chill"
Tom: "I think you need a hug, bro"

by juvenal_11 November 9, 2021