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Saphire’s really pretty. She has a beautiful sense of style. She’s outgoing and will make you feel instantly accepted.

Family is really important to Saphire. She loves taking care of other people, and she takes time to listen. She also asks lots of questions.

Overall, she’s a really great human to be around. So if you date or hang out with Saphire, you’re pretty darn lucky.

Hi Saphire!

by picklesarecute May 4, 2021

5👍 1👎

Sarah Saphire

a nice, sweet,caring ,smart,girl who stops to help anyone in need

Sarah Saphire is so nice! She helped me with my math homework!

by #Sarah the awesomest February 1, 2019

holy mackerel saphire

Exclamation meaning, "Golly"

Saying "Holy Mackerel Saphire" to anything that someone would say "golly" to.

by Bill Weiss January 3, 2008

6👍 6👎


Saphire is someone who you can depend on; whether it be an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. They radiate a pure and wholesome energy that attracts so many people it's not even funny. If you're actually lucky enough to be considered a close friend or even a best friend your quality of life with increase ten fold. They love fiercely and passionately and will always defend you no matter what. Their unconditional love is truly unconditional and they rarely pass judgement. To have a Saphire in your life is truly a 'gem'.

"God Saphire is just so beautiful and amazing. I wish that I was half the person they are."

by CheyenneFightClub February 23, 2023


Saphir is a gorgeous brown haired, blue eyed teen who’s super sweet and loved by many, an individual that is not only popular but also kind and down to earth.

“Hey did you see @heshekenji ‘s recent post?”

“You mean saphir’s? Yes it’s so funny!”

by Sukana Darling!! April 10, 2022