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A guy who is a gentleman, he always listens to whatever you have to say. Will always be there for you and can you always count on him to brighten up your day. He has super long eyelashes it's very creepy (jealous). Someone loves him dearly but is to afraid to say so. He has so smart and it is terrifying how much of an overachiever he is. No one compares to him at all. He's the greatest guy you'll ever meet and the best catch. He sets the standards for what a gentleman should be.

Girl 1: Saudy is amazing!
Girl 2: I know.
Girl 1: Who ever dates him is a lucky girl.

by xxohgoshxx November 29, 2011

22๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


how dumb people say "salty"

person 1: damn girl you saudi!!!!!!
person 2: it's salty....
person 3: SALTY!!!!!!!!!

by smartgirl111 June 17, 2011

51๐Ÿ‘ 165๐Ÿ‘Ž

saudi drift

An amateur style of drifting, or "powersliding", front wheel drive cars, made most famous by Arabic people. You can find plenty of videos on the internet of this type of thing.

A Saudi Drift usually involves any maneuver performed in a front wheel drive car where the handbrake is pulled and left in place while the car is moving. This way, the front wheels can keep the car moving and under some amount of control while the rear swings around wildly.

Jake tied to pull off a Saudi Drift on the highway and ended up wrapping his Corolla around a telephone pole.

by alluhuckbar December 28, 2007

64๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

saudi bluetooth

When a muslim woman uses her headscarf to secure a non-bluetooth capable phone against her face, essentially upgrading her phone via her religious clothing while removing the need for a bluetooth headset.

Guy 1: Did you see that durka's saudi bluetooth? She was using her hijab to hold her cellphone to her face so she can multitask while talking to Abdul Hakeem.

Guy 2: What a crafty and religiously sensitive way to avoid using one of those ghetto bluetooths.

by seattle laxbro July 9, 2011

39๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

saudi quattro

Another name for a Hummer or Range Rover or similar, high dollar SUV that may, or may not, be suitable for harsh dessert terrain.

a: Dude, did you see that behemoth SUV that twit drove to the party last night? What the hell was that, a Hummer?
b: No dude, that was a Saudi Quattro!

by Bryan Gilbreath August 28, 2009

217๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

saudi arabia

The country that is owns 75% of the USA's economy,

if saudi arabia stopped selling to the USA, the USA's economy would go down the shit hole.

This is why george bush likes them so mutch.

by eastern person February 2, 2005

1208๐Ÿ‘ 497๐Ÿ‘Ž

Saudi Arabia

The 'Kingdom of Saudi Arabia' is located on the Arabian peninsula.

The capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is Riyadh. This is where the Royal Family resides.

When I was a little girl, my parents decided to move to the Middle East.

Our life in Saudi Arabia was different from life in western countries in those days.

To us sport(s) ment everything!

by Barbara Gauss October 30, 2005

398๐Ÿ‘ 177๐Ÿ‘Ž