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A term used to describe hair which has been gelled or greased too flat.

-"Man you hair is schluck!"
-"Yeah? I put a whole tub of BrylCream in it"

by Seb-Sta June 5, 2007

16πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž


Made by the YouTuber Introspective, and it means an annoying or irritating person.

Person: "Hey."
Me: "Hello."
Person: "Hey."
Me: "Hello?"
Person: "Hey."
Me: "Hello..."
Person: "Hey."
Me: "Ok"
Person: "Hey."
Me: "Stop"
Person: "Hey"
Me: "Stop it you schluck!"

by Dizzi Diamond November 10, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A past tense version of "schlep" as previously hauled belongings perhaps best discarded rather than moved.

Finally, tired and sweating like the fat man he was, he schluck his gear across town to the not so new apartment only to realize moving 10 boxes of junk through three subway changes was a fool's errand indeed.

by Termcreator July 15, 2016

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Schluck on the schleet

Another way to say slob on my knob or suck my cock. When you are mad at someone just tell them to go Schluck on the schleet. Also what you say to someone that is a brown-noser.

"John was being a kiss up last night so I told him to go Schluck on the schleet."

by Shanalmcanal May 13, 2016

schluck corn

To jack one's parking spot as they are pulling away.

As soon as this a-hole pulls out, I'm gonna schluck his corn.

by steelman August 15, 2003

5πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

schlucked up

to get schlucked up is be drunk, high, etc. to an extreme extent
a synonym for "fucked up" that can be used without cursing

"Man I was so schlucked up last night"

by eheimps March 28, 2022


Schlucking either refers to a girl masturbating
Being really good at sucking a dick

"Bro I met this girl and she was schlucking me off so hard"
"My girlfriend schlucked for me last night"

by Sukuna’sWife November 20, 2022