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Dork Sector

a section or zone, as of a city or any other compartment of one given area, which you don't want to even have to think about at all, or just otherwise bugs the crap out of you even thinking about.

Fred: oh my god, you take one step inside and this entire place smells like fucking hambuger. i'm never coming to AX again.

Ricky: i know let's get out of the dork sector and do something more constructive like go to in and out or something.

by Bud Master April 29, 2009

Sector 9

A longboard company that sells decent longboard decks, although a lot of 11 year old newbie boarders think S9 is the best company hands down. They often go and get their parents buy a S9 complete and try to act cool even though they don't know anything about boards. These people give S9 riders a bad name often.

NOTE: To avoid this say the name of your board not "Sector 9" (See Example 1)

Also over the years S9 has started putting Chinese low-quality parts on their boards, Gullwing Chargers are no longer USA made and feel cheap now. The Decks are still good though!

Ex, 1
Randy: "What board you riding?"
Andy: "A 9 Star -Paris trucks, and Retros"
Randy: "Niceee"

Tip: Don't get pre-made Sector 9 boards select your own parts, and get the reviews first. Have a boarding specialty in mind like Cruising.

by S9custom March 27, 2010

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Sector 18

Market in Noida, U.P., India.

Women: Where is Sector 18 market?
Man: Bitch its in Noida

by DJ Gaurav April 17, 2006

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Paradox Sector

A nifty forum online that is better then Totse where cool people can discuss cool stuff. It even has it's own themesong, Porn crackers, and some really awesome moderators. And hot chicks, funny people, some text articles, creative artists, druggies, and stuff. It was founded by the admin Enigma on the 27th of October 2004, and has a relatively small user base, which allows the weeding out of the occasional troll


windigo: Man, the 'Dox has some bitchin' threads

Kam the Great: So Paradoxians...

by windigo June 28, 2005

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Pi Sector

The minor sector formed when the two hands of a circular clock at 3:14 are imaginarily extended to its edge or circumference.

What fraction of a clock is the pi sector? 13/360

by Fasters August 25, 2022

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Sector 001

The solar system in Star Trek.

Resistance is futile. You will disarm your weapons and escort us to sector 001.

by I eat swag for breakfast July 25, 2015

Sector X

The place you go when you drink lots and lots of liquor (beer works too) and smoke lots and lots of Marijuana and feel very very good. Basically you are FUCKED UP.

Smoke a blunt of some purps and drink a fifth of Jim Beam and you will be in Sector X.

by El Roacho January 27, 2009

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