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Medical slang for a person who turns up to a doctor's clinic or hospital emergency department apparently in extreme pain, who really just wants a dose of morphine or pethidine. Often associated with many horrible past and present life experiences that would usually elicit sympathy but not at 2 am on night shift.

Triage nurse: "That guy says he has a kidney stone but I think he's a seeker. I've put him down as category 3."
Intern: Let's hope he gets bored and buggers off to some other ED, or at least gets seen by someone other than me."

by mahatmagrande September 26, 2006

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the seeker

Someone who won't get to get what they're after 'til the day they die.

I asked Bobby Dylan,
I asked The Beatles.
I asked Timothy Leary,
But he couldn't help me either!

Ah the seeker

by captainphoenix December 11, 2006

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Cops who try to pick up minors who are out past curfew. most of the time they're in disguised cars.

We saw five seekers pulling kids over tonight, so watch out.

by VVeedson March 24, 2010

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The Seeker

One who is seeking. Truth, justice, a plan of action, or other. One with the title of "The Seeker" usually possesses immense power and charisma.

The Seeker of Truth

Jesus Christ is The Seeker of the forgiveness of sins.

by Anonymous August 23, 2003

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sow seeker

A guy who notoriously ends up with the ugliest girl at the party.

"Pete's a great guy but his sow seeking will keep bringing the ugly girls to our parties"

by john wiskeyjack August 17, 2003

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status seeker

A person who is always looking to improve their social standing beyond what is reasonable or fitting by acquiring more desirable possessions, taking extravagant vacations, joining exclusive organizations and cultivating new and advantageous social connections in order to impress others.

His vacationing on the Costa del Sol shows what a status seeker he has become.

Being superficial status seekers, they are thinking of buying a new McMansion, even though they don't plan on having a family and already own a house that suits their needs in all respects.

by lifeonearth June 19, 2012

Assylum seeker

One who comes to a more sexually liberated country for the lifestyle.

Akhmed was excited to become an assylum seeker in Sweden!

by I, Wreckerrr December 10, 2016

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