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Sentimental Retardation

The need to keep tons of things for "sentimental" reasons. The inability to get rid of anything. Usually involves the need to rent storage lockers, because every room in the house and basement is already filled with sentimental knick-knacks and memorabilia.

When Jane moved out of her house, she needed to rent 3 storage lockers to store all of the things she couldn't part with. She suffered from Sentimental Retardation.

by jcbailaz October 31, 2011

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sentimentalized eroticism

The act of being in a very sentimental state of eroticism. This may include sobbing on your partner in hopes of reaching climax. Inspiration for sexual acts through depressive tones and sequences.

Joanne loved to ski, however at night she experienced sentimentalized eroticism with her partner which helped her cope with her everyday life of skiing.

John instead of having a very joyful erotic experience with his partner he decided he didnโ€™t feel to happy that day so he participated in sentimentalized eroticism that day.

by RileyNoctus407 February 15, 2023

gross sentimentality

A new mental illness in which the afflicted person maintains relationships with people from the past who no longer wish to have anything to do with them. People having this affliction should seek professional help. This is a mild form of stalking and the afflicted person does not have their current emotional needs met and tries to console his or herself by looking into their past. These people also like to collect things from their youth and adolesence. Like an old salesman they go over their old leads (only the quality ones) and try to find something of value in the past, either acceptance, forgiveness, or re-assurance. It is unclear what would come of the person if they were actually to harvest one of these relationships and see themselves as successful in this respect. See also: stalker loser dumbass forrestgump

John is a real mess. Everytime his life gets tough he calls his ex-girlfriends and feels like he is right back with them even when that chick hasn't heard from him in years. I think he has gross sentimentality.

by John Laurich March 10, 2007

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Anti-French Sentiment

A xenophobic and prejudiced view that all French people are arrogant pussies. Prevalent especially among Americans (most of whom have never met a French person), which is ironic as France is the nation most responsible for America's rise to prominence. Even the monument most often identified with America, the Statue of Liberty, was donated to the USA by the French.

Holding that all French people are prissy, arrogant pansies is about as well-founded as holding all Americans obese, retarded fuckbags. Generalizing this allegation displays the same kind of arrogance you reproach the opposite side with.

"Xenophobic American: Go eat cheese with the French, you unpatriotic pussy!"

by Servant Of Progress November 8, 2004

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Anti-Chinese sentiment

Anti-Chinese sentiment, also known as Sinophobia, is a hatred of things related to China, Chinese culture, and Chinese people. This relates to Anti-East Asian sentiment, which is a branch of Anti-Asian sentiment. It's often considered to be a form of racism. Although, this is to be distinguished from anti-dengism, which opposes the Chinese government and not Chinese people.

The amount of Anti-Chinese sentiment present within these communities ever since the virus began is insane, there have been of attacks against Chinese people who aren't even involved.

by Kelmeer23 February 16, 2023

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Anti-Simp Sentiment

Hostility to, or prejudiced against simps.

Aaron: I'm a pro ass supporter.

Gabriel: Me too, bro. This girl in first period has a big ol' fat ass. Wanna clap that shit. I think she likes me bro.

Aaron: No wtf, I literally don't mean I glorify ass. Its a abbreviation of "anti-simp sentiment." you loser, lmao.

by ediot101 May 3, 2020

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An synonym for emotionally, something in a way influenced by emotional relation.

Person 1: Bro, i'm sad rn.. my gf cheated

Person 2: Ay, sorry man.. must be sentimentally attached to her huh..

by urbandici February 24, 2023