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Semi Separated

When your wife kicks you out the house but you still have to pay the bills, Semi Separated

Are you married ? I'm semi separated , kicked out but still paying bills semi separated is similar to separated

by 2NURSESYBGOOD March 25, 2017

A Separate Peace

A homoerotic book depicting sexually-frustrated young adolesents. Narrated by Gene Forrester, the paranoid gay emo kid.

Sparknote even says so.

A Separate Peace, aka literature porn

"...and I lost part of myself to him then, and...this must have been my purpose from the first: to become part of Phineas."

"Brinker's healthy, determined, not over-exaggerated but definate and substantial buttocks"

by Bubble Tea October 24, 2007

285๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

Separation Stall

In the men's bathroom, a urinal left empty between two men so as to prevent the increase of awkwardness

Steve - "You know what a separation stall is, right?"

Rob - "Yeah. Why?"

Steve - "Well, I was using a urinal with no one else in the bathroom when another man came in and used the stall right next to me. He totally forgot a separation stall"

Rob - "Ouch."

by pandaPOOF May 14, 2010

a separate peace

yaoi lite which became required literature

Gene: finny I love you!!
Finny: what
Gene: nvm lol ::push::

by madii April 19, 2005

177๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

a separate peace

A book about Gene(gay) and Finny(Metro) in a boarding school in New England during WWII. No, they don't have hot pasionate gay sex, but they are gay. No staright guy looks at another guys ass, describes a friends chest, or another guys "hot" bod!

OMFG! A Separate Peace is such a gay book, Jack.
Well dur Amanda, thats why are teacher made us read it
Lets give it to Steve!
Good idea!

by Jackenny September 20, 2007

107๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

separate sandboxes

A term to be used when two people are fighting, oftentimes like children, and there arises a need for them to calm down and shut up. The term comes from the notion of "time out," such as putting two bickering kids on the playground in two different sandboxes to avoid them fighting any longer.

College Student A: "You can't tell me what to do!"
College Student B: "You're being an asshole!"
Sensible Party: "Separate sandboxes, you two!"

by lemurrs August 23, 2013

Shitfart Separator

The shitfart separator is the muscle inside your colon, just above your bunghole, that is responsible for separating shits from farts. Usually a dormant muscle, the shitfart separator is often only noticed if it's repeatedly squeezing and churning when one has diarrhea. The work of a healthy shitfart separator usually results in dry farts

I had the Big D, and my shitfart separator was in overdrive.

My shitfart separator failed me and I accidentally sharted a little in my underwear.

by Flambo Blumpkin February 13, 2008

30๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž