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Seth is a very skilled asshat at arguing. He will outsmart you to the point you just wanna get down and suck his dick in submission. He would be a great DJ but he's lazy as hell but luckily has slaves who do all his work. When it comes to multiple genders and different sexualities Seth is very closed minded and is 100% ready to start ww3 so watch the fuck out. Whatever you do treat seth like the god is he. If you dont you'll be put in the kitchen like an object

Yo Seth hella cute bro I think I'm gonna ask to suck him

by Daddyuwuyesplease February 23, 2019

165๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


Seth is the person who is one of the craziest, happy, smart, and amazing guy you will ever meet. With just a few words and a couple of funny jokes, Seth will make you feel very good about yourself,no matter what kind of day you are having.

Dude Seth totally made my day today.

by JessyDee21 February 22, 2009

6165๐Ÿ‘ 2064๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who knows how to have fun. they are not egotistical except on certain occasions, will tell you the truth always, will be friends with you no matter who you are(as long as they see some good in you they will associate themselves with you). they are not sex addicts, and are extremely faithfull. they are average people who are extremely nice to others. although, making them mad is not a good idea. do not underestimate them. they are story tellers, and if they have a good story they will share it, but not with the intent to "one up" your story. not all of them are "emo" and like to cut themselves etc.

they have their own style and like to live life to the fullest and arent put down easily.they can make you feel better in an instant because most of them are playfull and love to joke and will do anything to help someone whos down. they are intelligent, and will share their opinions and argue often. but this is okay because either way they will still be friends with you. all of the negative additions down below are most likley not true and just examples of one person( they dont all have blue eyes either). this is a good defintion. if you meet a seth, say hi, become friends and let life take its course. you may come to like them alot.

person 1: this kid is awesome!

person 2: he seems like it!

person 1: i think his names seth?

person 2: that makes sense...

by therealdefinition^^ August 25, 2011

302๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž


seth is the sweetest, kindest, most caring person you'll ever meet. even though he blocks your best friend because she was being annoying, he's always there for you, and reads all your rants no matter what. let's not forget about his gorgeous hair, deep brown eyes, and sweet smile. seth will never leave you once you're close, and you gain his trust. love u seth

god, i love seth, but i don't have the balls to tell him

by winterpegisnotcool101 November 27, 2019

31๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Funniest pimp you will ever see

He is a baller GET IT GOT IT GOOD

You will see Seth at school looking fresh as he can f*cking be

by Seth.official November 7, 2014

57๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Iโ€™m Seth

Hello Iโ€™m Seth

by Seth is me May 7, 2022

20๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A handsome lil dude with a million dollar smile and a long pair of legs and exceptionally longer hair than other boys in the world. If you have a seth you should consider yourself the luckiest girl in the wold. If you had lost a Seth miss him with all your heart as he is a ounce in a lifetime experience as he will be the kindest and the most handsome Teenager you will ever meet. So girls if you find a Seth treasure him with all your heart.

Oh hey Seth this random girl in school said that you were handsome and extremely kind! BRO u are one lucky kid

by DunnoPlayz April 4, 2019