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Just shaking my head


Just shaking my head

by Angwoo October 28, 2018

shaking my head sadly

A sad forlorn shaking of the head.

The way the early Beatles Paul and Ringo look on the cover of Seargent Peppers - shaking my head sadly - smhs

by Sewageinmybasement February 14, 2017

4👍 1👎

shaking your head

Shaking your head *smh*

You should be shaking your head right now because it's impossible to not know how to shake your head...bruh

by ChaosW April 15, 2015

Like yuh head shaking awa?

A Trinidadian colloquial term used when someone's sanity is in question.

Dan: I jus spend bout a 1000 on dis Spanish thing I meet in Sando.

Johnny: Dawg like yuh head shaking awa?

by GenesisExodus April 27, 2023