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Shipman Thong

The most extreme and durable of all underwear tricks. An improvised and uncomfortable whale-tale made by pulling a womans panties up from behind and firmly into her butt crack.

Rostov prostitutes demonstrate territorial disputes and intentions among rivals with the delivery of a Shipman Thong.

by the_jackalope March 21, 2009

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dr harold shipman

known killer of at least 200 old people with the real estimate much higher and unknowable.
This was the first and real rationalisation program in the UK NHS (national health service) a product of Tory and Labour mismanagement accumulating in psychopaths running and extinguishing human life - thanks thatcher, thanks tony blair and thanks gordon

"What are we going to do with this old fart" asks DR A
DR B replies "I guess we're going to have to do a dr harold shipman"
Dr A replies "hmm, that or get the porters to dump them down to xray for a 'photo'"

the term and name dr harold shipman is sometimes interchangeable with the name crisis management or oh dear what are we going to do with another old f88****88w888s8er

by aNHSworker May 2, 2008

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camille shipman

alright guys the other definition is a lie so it doesn’t even matter what it says

george made the other definition of camille shipman

by GeorgeIsMean August 21, 2018

Shipman, IL

A hodunk town full of cornfed assholes. They think their big trucks are awesome when really they aren't. A town small enough that if you blink you miss it, and all the people look like children of the corn.

I grew up in Shipman, IL

by ReaperChick April 17, 2018