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Ghetto Shoe Shine

The act of cleaning your shoes with soap or toothpaste. The cheap way to clean shoes.

ex. 1-

Jill: Jeez Becky, how do you manage to keep your chuck's so clean?

Becky: I give them a ghetto shoe shine every week.

ex. 2-

Katy: oh im gee! i just scuffed up my fabulous white shoes and it's prom night! My life is over!!!11!1!

charlea: just ghetto shoe shine those babies and get over yourself.

by Fishy-Man September 17, 2010

Shoe shine cowboy

A homosexual

Adam Hooker spent the night with Balham's most agressive Shoe shine cowboy.

by Kalamazoo007 February 14, 2011

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Toledo Shoe-shine

The act of smearing shit on the inside top of a shoe or sandal.

Hey, what's that brown stuff on the top of your foot?
Oh, I got a Toledo Shoe-shine today.

by T-rav7 February 4, 2010

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A New York Shoe Shine

When a person from New York obfuscates facts and slows down the search for solutions.

That store manager in the Bronx just told me what I wanted to hear but actually gave me a New York Shoe shine

by Bozman26 March 8, 2012

Guadalajaran Shoe Shine

Pawn shop blow job

"I didn't have money for my pawn loan so I had to give a Guadalajaran Shoe Shine to my broker."

by MarlaSanger February 14, 2025

Bosnian Shoe Shine

Using a pair of severed feet, from a living or dead person, to give yourself a foot job.

Young Charles had an issue satisfying his foot fetish and finding women. He instead had to resort to Bosnian Shoe Shines at the local cemetery to get off.

by Ricky Butch November 30, 2024

Bosnian Shoe Shine

The act of utilizing severed feet, from either a living or deceased human, to give a foot job.

Charles had a massive foot fetish as well as issue meeting women. He thus had to resort to Bosnian Shoe Shines at the local cemetery to get off.

by Ricky Butch November 30, 2024