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shooting range

any goddamn american public school

"you know they knocked down the shooting range over there and turned it into a public school?"

by bisexual_men69420 November 13, 2022

Columbine Shooting Range

Columbine high school's shooting range, located in the lunch room, shut down in 1999

Don't come to health class today, all we did was watch a movie about the columbine shooting range

by My name Jeff please May 9, 2017

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Are you at the shooting range

Being stupid

Bro, Dalton β€œare you at the shooting range”

by Dcov3 July 5, 2019

Corporate Shooting Range

When a disgruntled, highly mentally unstable, or just plain wierd office worker goes into his place of employment and starts shooting up the office, usually with a semi-automatic weapon. This used to be very common amogst postal workers. Some people have actually done this at an ex-lover's workplace after a bad breakup. Most causes involve a series of frustrating events that go on for years and then one horrible event or day sets some poor motherfucker off the deep end.

After he got fired and lost his house last week, Jim went to the Corporate shooting range and killed some lawyers.

by rKrDuDe265 December 16, 2009

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Canadian Shooting Range

When you shoot a 1000 yard round in your living room despite continued advice not to because you’re a drunk retard.

Did you guys hear about the guy that used the Canadian shooting range to test his new gun and shot through the wall killing the family dog?

by bmf85 December 6, 2022