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1: Crazy as in not completely mentally stable
2: Crazy as in Funny, humorous

1) You ever seen that movie Fatal Attraction? Glenn Close character is Shot-out
2) You catch that comedy show Dave Chappelle put on, dude is funny is hell. He is shot-out

by KBoogie00 December 21, 2011

273πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž

shot out

a term for person who has did way to many illicit street drugs for way too many years and is probably still using them. Usually someone who is a i,v, drug userand that NO BODYS HOME look in there eyes.

Somebody who is such a low level garbage junkie they will take any type drug they can get there hands on

Yo bro Jigs so SHOT OUT he just took a whole bottle of No Dose tryin to get high.

by Ghettoking215 February 10, 2019

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Shot out

What some wives say when they mean to say β€œshout out”

I gave my husband a shot out when I was on the game show.

by #grammarnazi February 15, 2020

shot out

crazy,off da chain

dawg u shot out

by miss crazy sexy cool August 21, 2003

209πŸ‘ 349πŸ‘Ž

shot out

1. the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy consumption of drugs, particularly alcoholic beverages.

usually seen on the face. is worse with excessive sun, smoking, poor diet and hydration practices, other physical problems/illness related, lack of sleep.

2. any part of a person's body that is particularly worn and 'used up'.

she was a student/athlete in high school but she's looking pretty shot out now.

that girl is shot out, she's slept with everyone and a few of the moms.

by thatiaintwhatisaid July 29, 2010

168πŸ‘ 287πŸ‘Ž

shot out

V. 1. not knowing what is going on
2. lack of intelligence after day and or night of drinking or smoking or both
3. lacking sense of reality

I forgot where we were going, im so shot out.
Hey im talking to you, You are so shot out.

by Cole Lillie AKA Wap December 1, 2005

197πŸ‘ 449πŸ‘Ž

shot out

Main Entry: shot out
Pronunciation: \ˈshΓ€t\ˈauΜ‡t\
Function: Adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sceot Ε«t, scot; akin to Old High German scuz Ε«z, Old Norse skot shot, Old English scΔ“otan
Date: 20th century

1: to describe unconventional behavior

2; v: the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy consumption of drugs, particularly alcoholic beverages.

3;adj: outspoken or expressed without reserve

4, to describe an unruly or deterioration of an object

1- a "Your friend is shot out for stealing your boyfriend." b "That was shot out for her to cancel."

2- a "After last call at the club, I am feeling shot out this morning." b "He was so shot out after he started doing drugs."

3- a "You are shot out after getting in that guys face." b "I was acting shot out after my food was made wrong".

4- a "That house is shot out and needs to condemned." b Your truck is shot out with all the dents and rust."

by beachside October 30, 2008

71πŸ‘ 231πŸ‘Ž