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Shudder Head

A blowjob so overwhelmingly pleasurable that all you can do is shake and hold on until it's over.

I got some serious shudder head last night.

by Miraja June 30, 2021

shame shudder

A physiological reaction to feeling disgust, regret or shame at one's past behavior. This reaction is often unconscious; it is characterized by tightening of upper body muscles, covering one's eyes, a 'shudder' and perhaps a groan. It may be induced by one's friend reminding him/her of the behavior or by one remembering the action on their own.

"Sometimes hearing about what you did while drunk can be fun. Its like a story that you've never heard before and you're the same character."
"Sure..fun minus the shame shudders. I do stupid shit."

by kdaddy44 January 30, 2016

shudder fly

1. To truly cause an orgasm for a woman where her thighs shudder in a steady vibration and you know you've done your job.

A. "Yo, I'm just hoping I can shudder fly her tonight...get her comin back for more haha."

B. "Fuck yo, I had my girl shudder flyin last night!"

C. "Giiiiirl....my man always makes me shudder fly. Yours don't?"

by Sirus2008 October 4, 2013

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shudder shades

shudder shades are things kids who are to full of them selves ware

that kids such a tool he wares shudder shades

by amazingfertilla123 August 12, 2009

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Piss Shudders

The act of brief bodily shaking after a nice lengthy piss. Usually the upper torso.

Fuck nigga, I just held my piss for 12 hours and when I finally unleashed that hoe into the can, i fuckin got them piss shudders so hard I fell and broke the bathroom counter with my head. Shit man that’s some powerful digs, nigga.

by Niggalipsss69 August 26, 2019

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Massive Shuddering-O

The ultimate orgasm. So unbelievably powerful that when ultimately released, years of abstinence-driven, self-imposed denial and pent-up sexual energy are suddenly 'super-nova liberated' in a spectacular display of sweaty, twisted, excess of pleasure, delight and satisfaction.

What's the reward for ultimately succumbing to natural carnal drive? Guilt, shame and sorrow for disappointing your god? Hell, no...you gets a Massive Shuddering-O. Enjoy!

by YAWA February 3, 2018

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shudder guy

A guy who looked good in his pictures online, but then looks so awful when you meet him in person that it makes you shudder.

I met another shudder guy last night. <shudder>

by usadan November 24, 2007

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