Singapore, the most developed nation in Asia no matter what you use as your yardstick. (HDI, GDP/NP per capita, literacy rates, healthcare accessibility, life expectancy ...) Singaporeans' purchasing power ranks fifth in the world and just happens to flatten all of its "giant" neighbors.
Neighbors like Malaysia, little sore cocksuckers, tend to disregard that and persist in their delusion and point at Singapore's supposedly "over-stringent" laws like the banning of chewing gum. However, they are oblivious to the fact that the ban on chewing gum has already been lifted. Also, their floors are genuine evidences that laws against frivolent littering should be enforced.
Singapore is the most metropolitan and globalized city in Asia, its citizens enjoying a stronger purchasing power than Malaysia even while facing a recession.
224👍 92👎
A tiny country in Asia where it's illegal to chew gum because they want to keep their schools and everywhere else clean. Students in this country are literally so far ahead of students in other countries because Singapore has awesome schools with an advanced curriculum.
I'm moving to Singapore!
35👍 9👎
The economic-and-political model country for rogue political leaders or dictators in developing countries, with capitalist leanings, who long to enrich themselves and their cronies—minimum political freedom for the electors and maximum financial gain for the elected.
A number of African and Asian nations are keen to emulate Singapore’s model of governance in helping their oft-undisciplined or unmotivated population out of poverty, by reducing red tape to promote business entrepreneurship and meting out heavy penalties for lawbreakers—and bankrupting or/and jailing those who try to “pollute the minds” of an oft-apathetic or petrified electorate.
12👍 22👎
A country that allows prostitution but doesn't allow oral sex. Now that's fucked up.
"Dude man, this chick will fuck me but she won't blow!"
680👍 371👎
A country that is strict and small, bad weather like hurricane have never happened in singapore before, this is a country that was controlled by the British in the past 50-60 years. 3 races, Chinese, Indian and Malays. A country that banned chewing gums to prevent from littering. Good country to visit to.
I promise to defend this country from terror!
I love singapore!
We are lucky to live in this country.
335👍 185👎
A small country that has great shopping districts and food.
Consist of mainly 3 different races, Chinese, indian and malay. Have a lot of foreign talent because the population is too small. They dry their clothes outside with a bamboo pole.
It is very clean and though it has a lot of fines on various different things, it is a safe city. This is because it has never experienced a natural disaster. The education here is also competitive and becoming better. Singapore is also one of the countries that has the most number of kpop fans in the world. It is also called the garden city because everywhere you go there are trees and plants. But a name that contradicts this is cement city, because there are alot of buildings too.
Guy1 : Hi! Where are you from?
Guy2: Singapore.
Guy 1: Oh...I love your country's black pepper chili crab!
Guy 2: Glad you had tried something local. How about Durians?
37👍 14👎
The destination of choice for millionaires and billionaires from Indonesia, China, India, Europe, and the United States during the pandemic, because of the island state’s relative low infection, mortality, and crime rates, compared to the rest of the developed world, where white racism or supremacism, nativism, and xenophobia, often condoned by right-wing inept politicians, are at an all-time high.
More than a tax haven for the filthy rich from both the East and the West, Singapore is now a “corona sanctuary” for the wealthy and the celebrities escaping the ravages of the pandemic sweeping their countries, whose oft-ill-run health systems leave much to be desired.
45👍 82👎