Source Code


The first thing a guy says to ViolentJenn in the morning (right after "thanks for last night.)

No example necessary.

by Anonymous May 12, 2003

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A Poser or non-Scramster.

Dude, fuck kyle, he's a fucking Skedaddler.

by Rakk October 13, 2007

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Said to someone who is in someones business/annoying them.

Skedaddle kid, you're annoying.

by FluxzionTheRetard January 25, 2019

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camel skedaddle

When a woman has a camel toe and one of her lips escape the confines of the attire.

Her shorts were soo short, her camel toe became a camel skedaddle. She definitely waxes.

by IWANTJEN March 14, 2016

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Battle or Skedaddle

A more informal synonym for fight or flight, referring to an animals instinct to either fight or run when threatened.

When we got near that raccoon, it instantly went into battle or skedaddle mode.

by King Loaf May 4, 2018

Pulling a Skedaddle

Getting the fuck outta there in the name of your life

Damn, he barely got out of there by Pulling a Skedaddle

by Kirbyguy May 17, 2022

Skedaddle Skedoodle

ur pp is now a noodle

If a man attacks you on the street, point at his loins with both hands and shout "SKEDADDLE SKEDOODLE!!!" He will run away in shame, knowing his pp is now a noodle.

by Doctor Q.716 May 4, 2018

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