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A person that is a skeeta and complains a lot . Also all he does is Blow the bathroom up blames others for it .

Sam is a Big Skeeta who drives a car that’s wrapped in a black garbage bag

by Skeeta December 26, 2022


In modern culture when a pretend DJ with no real DJ skills names himself he’s usually referred to a dirty skeet.

Aka a “skeeta scratcher

Noun: skeet, plural noun: skeet’s or skeeta’s

Don’t be such a “skeeta scratcher”
Your such a “skeet Dj”

A dodgy self named Dj, with a nickname given to him-self.

Used in sentance:

Don’t worry people it’s just Martin what a waste of talent !! when he was called Martin the Wickford dj he used to be excellent DJ. Everyone loved him but since he called himself DJ skeet he’s now just the local skeet…what a waste. !!

Martin is a skeet/skeeta dj. Skeet means a dodgy self named DJ

by Dj rebellion April 10, 2023