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Going long periods of time without receiving any action from the opposite sex. It commonly begins after having a slumpstarter after you are on a hot streak and commonly ends with a slumpbuster, which should change your luck around.

I hooked up with a fat bitch six months ago. I have been in a slump since. I better find another fat bitch so this comes to an end.

by SJD WOOD August 17, 2007

22๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


To sit on your toilet while taking a shit to stare at a picture with an expression with extreme discomfort, pain, and anger.

Man: Yesterday when I was on the toilet I was slumping very hard at a picture of Frankenberries.

by Slumper1234 July 2, 2011

36๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ugly or wack.

Yo that teacher was mad slump (wack) today.

by Murdab January 11, 2010

27๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž



"Bruh, I think imma go to bed. I'm so fucking slump."

by Punchingpags4 June 10, 2017


A small albino giraffe the is stuck on an island and is really sad.... because he is stuck.

Man! I saw a slump today, and it was really sad!

by I'mSmartYouCanTrustMe October 10, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


Adjective describing ones clothing. Means clothing that is comfortable. Clothes that are slump can be anything comfortable but are usually loose and baggy, sometimes referred to as stoner clothes. Only girls use the term slump because they post it on Facebook to show people they don't always dress like a slut. Normal people don't need to tell others they're dressed "slump" because it's basically telling people "hey I'm dressed casually today, isn't that great!?" no it's not. Dressing slump is comfortable and nothing is wrong with it, but showing off being dressed slump is stupid, generally people should avoid using this term unless you want to be looked down upon.

Matt-"yo John, you dressed pretty slump"
John-"dude I always dress like this, it's comfortable. Don't use that word, it's gay."

Matt-"hey Ariana, you're not dressed like a slut today!"
Ariana-"I know I'm soo slump, I like being comfortable over looking slutty, unlike those other bitches."
Matt-"shut the fuck bitch."

by TheGoodS December 28, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be so far ahead of ones rival, that they resort to any further success as being less effective. ie in a Slump!

Celtic 's winning streak of 12 games is the worst {Slump theyve been in for years

by Big John Maolruadh December 21, 2016

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