(adj.) Smart + Stupid
Sumpidity defines the mental state wherein we acknowledge that we've never been smarter as individuals and yet somehow we've never felt stupider. We now collectively inhabit a state of stumpidity. In our newly smupid world, the average IQ is now 103 but it feels like it's 97. One possible explanation for smupidity is that people are generally far more aware than they ever were of all the information they don't know. The weight of this fact overshadows huge advances made in knowledge accumulation and pattern recognition skills honed by online searching. The fact is that I am now smupid. We're all kind of smupid. And the future is even smupider.
"Yes, I know I was able to obtain a list of all Oscar winners from 1952 in three tenths of a second, yet it makes me feel smupid that I didn't waste two hours visiting the local library to obtain the list ."