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Soham is an typical Indian , probably a bengali , who would be a fatty person but would also be a best friend . Many people could be Jealous of him but every person loves him due to his smartness , behaviour , humour and giving respect to everyone .

Wow , he's so smart and a fatty person also , I think he would be Soham .

by Don't ask my name November 24, 2021

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A good person who is kind

soham is a good guy

by higlighter December 6, 2021

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Tall, chill dude
Can't catch a break but keeps calm.
loves the people around him but struggles to tell them that he does.
Might be attractive just does not know it.
loves night time.

person1 : yo! what happened?

person2 : nothing just a bit knackered...
person1 : you look like a soham

by unbiasedtruthteller March 21, 2022

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The term is used to describe one person dick-riding to the maximum to another person.

Bob: I'll only go to the party if my friend goes
Joe: Ok I'm not going to the party
Bob: Then neither am I.
Me: Bob, you are actually like Soham with this D riding

by TLTLTL October 7, 2022


Soham is guy who looks cold but when you get to know him properly he'll the kindest guy. He is so smart and intelligent. He is short tempered. He respect girls so much. He cares about his career more than love. He met his soulmate but he failed to stop his soulmate. He is good in everything. Just look at past and accept that one girl's love. She waited for you so long. Soham always failed to understand his inner feelings.

Soham is an emotionless boy.

by Whats in a name yo yo yo November 22, 2021


He Was a best Person. Every one Likes him he Was smart, Sweet and talented

Many Girls Like him. Any girls who have his number they are so lucky In future that girls is been Girlfriend Or Wife..
If anyone Girlfriend of Soham He takes Care So much and She had So much Happiness in her life

1) Any Name of Soham Boy in Your School, College Then Propose him You have So much Happiness in your life

by Reality Definition November 23, 2021


Soham are usually people who are highly intelligent. He usually is someone who you don’t think is Indian but someone who looks black. He is an excellent learner. He is brilliant at everything he does. He never grew up good, but made it out. He’s also built like a skeleton from Minecraft and is as strong as one too. His jawline is so sharp, it can cut through diamonds, like the ones on his neck.

Soham is THAT guy.

by Sergio_Kitchens March 11, 2023