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some guys on ice🧍 β™‚οΈπŸ§Š

dukes depp thought it was some guys on ice , instead of cigars on ice

wait its cigars on ice?! i though it was some guys on ice🧍 β™‚οΈπŸ§Š

by dukes.nonexistent.sneeze March 2, 2021

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

woah, some guy just shat himself

Why are you looking this up? The definition is basically the fucking title. You shitfaced fucking narwhal.

This phrase is what you would use to express the fact that some guy just left a shit in their pants.

"Woah, some guy just shat himself, wanna go sniff it and put it on the black market?"

by Mark Hamill's imaginary friend February 2, 2018

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Some Random Guy

I am some random guy
My online username is Some Random Guy

Some Random Guy has currently got the second highest level on the Better Vanilla Building discord server.

by Some Random Guy 455 April 20, 2022

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Some Fucking Guy

A phrase used to give a name to an anonymous, average person in any given situation.

My boss acts like he's really important, but really he's just some fucking guy.


Did you know you don't need any credentials to edit Wikipedia? You can just be some fucking guy.

by Nathan19 April 14, 2009

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some fat guy

1. A term used to describe an obese, male person whom you know little about apart from the fact that they are fat.

1.1 A random fat guy

2. Somebody resembling Peter Griffin in appearance

3. The mirror...... oooooh no you didn't.

Dude 1: Yo, who was that crazy mofo that threw a chair through that window at KFC because they took too long to bring him his chicken??

Dude 2: Some fat guy.

Dude 1: Shit! I never would have guessed!!

Dude 2: Mm, I believe they are now passing a law that fat people must be kept on a leash whilst in KFC or they must move on to Subway.

Dude 1: So.... got a collar for your GF then?

Dude 2: Now your just getting off topic and trying to lay down extra insults on UrbanDictionary like the rest of the world.

Dude 1: .....My bad man.

Dude 2: Fo Sho.

by BussoNolan October 10, 2009

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some sick guy

Scally term used after just being told something quite ridiculous which another person had done. It can mean "Wow, that guys so cool" when most people would think "what a dick".

"So this guy pulled a knife out in broad daylight"
"some sick guy, man"

by GF June 10, 2005

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some dumb guy

Some stupid guy with a large ass

Did you see that some dumb guy jump off that rail, its like he bounced off his ass

by Somedumbguy66 April 9, 2017

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