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something awful

At least it's better than Maddox, right?

Something Awful is a website.

by ARBeyond May 3, 2005

578๐Ÿ‘ 460๐Ÿ‘Ž

something awful

A website which used to be funny, but now only attracts people with poor social skills and a limited abillity to interact with other people. (See also: goon.)

Most of the creativity has been sucked out of Something Awful by the repetitive use of lame catchphrases and wanksters who vandalize message boards and forums. This is why Something Awful has deservedly gained a reputation for being a haven for pathetic little shitstains and lamers.

Being a comedian is about making other people laugh, not making yourself laugh. No wonder Something Awful can't find the funny anymore.

by Lowtax Needs To Clean House March 1, 2005

415๐Ÿ‘ 360๐Ÿ‘Ž

Something Awful

An internet comedy site. Features Photoshop.. features, mockeries of other forums, movie/game/hentai reviews, email/ICQ pranks, legal battles, Fashion SWAT, Horrors of Porn and Untitled Document among others. Seems to drive certain people on UrbanDictionary insane with loathing. Content fluctuates between mildly funny and comedy gold. Has fairly extensive forums. Also known for the sarcastic phrase 'the internet is serious business'.

Damn, a lot of people bash Something Awful on UrbanDictionary.

by JediMastaYoda January 16, 2005

352๐Ÿ‘ 330๐Ÿ‘Ž

something awful

A horrible website which has become down-trodden and has lost most of it's originality. In a world where everything is too played out, this site is no exception. It also requires money for membership, which is gay, and most people on there run around thinking that every other website is of lower value and ultimately sucks b/c it is not SA. SA sucks, and hasn't been good for many years. It's a shame, but brutal honesety.

Damn SA sucks. nothing funny over there anymore.

by Sa sucks July 30, 2003

626๐Ÿ‘ 620๐Ÿ‘Ž

something awful

Something Awful is a sort of "hub" of the special brand of humor unique to the Internet. The target audience is males between the ages of 13 and 25.

Concerning the public areas of Something Awful: People typically either really love or really hate Something Awful. Reading the articles may lead you to notice a sort of formulaic writing style that pervades them. It's almost as if Lowtax created a Mad Libs sheet that has been declared the proper format for all articles until the end of time. This does not prevent some of them from being humorous, however, much of it is quite tired.

Concerning the forums, Something Awful initiates for all new forum members what can be percieved as a strange form of Internet hazing. While one might see this as entirely negative, it has a practical application. Via this "e-hazing" SAF creates and propagates an unusually strict social code which all goons must abide by lest they face ostracization by other users and perhaps even harassment by moderators, a phenomenon not typically seen on forums. The positive side of this forum management method is that the inevitable degradation of forum quality, while present, is dramatically slowed and even controlled to some extent. The negative qualities of this style of forum management are that the forum is full of unthinking sycophants and that while forum quality may not drop as rapidly as at other sites, it also cannot ever reach the peak of its potential. Think of it as a bright flame that quickly flickers out, compared to a long-burning flame that casts less light.

Another thing to note is that while Something Awful constantly berates its own members for the use (and especially overuse) of catchphrases, it is its own strict social guidelines which create the perfect environment in which popular catchphrases become an epidemic - goon see, goony-goon-goon do.

My friend got shat on for mentioning his enjoyment of Naruto, but Something Awful advertizes J-List.com on their front page. What the fuck is up with that shit?

by The Iconoclast March 31, 2005

364๐Ÿ‘ 363๐Ÿ‘Ž

something awful

A funny site that obviously inspires quite a bit of hatred among those who were banned from it for being utter fucktards

the posts above this one

by rgdf January 2, 2005

474๐Ÿ‘ 487๐Ÿ‘Ž

Something Awful

An asinine web forum for people who think 80,000+ people getting killed by a tsunami in Sri Lanka is Comedy Gold. They like to post oh-so-HILARIOUS Photoshopped pictures of people getting drowned by tidal waves.

Ha ha ha. I cannot contain my laughter.

Of course, it's not so funny when some pathetic goon's relatives died. Then they offer lame "goondolences" and shit.

Something Awful is for worthless fuckwads. Always has been, always will be.

by The King Of Brutal Fckng Honesty December 30, 2005

358๐Ÿ‘ 421๐Ÿ‘Ž