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spherical bastard

A real prick

He's a spherical bastard. No matter which way you look at him, He's still a bastard.

by Scooby January 10, 2003

11👍 12👎

spherical girl

any minga female that is obese

ohhh look at spherical girl waddle, quit eating bitch

by beatrice September 14, 2004

5👍 7👎

spherical objects

A polite alternative to bollocks or balls as a written or oral expletive.

George was always talking a load of spherical objects as none of it was correct.

by Clansman April 12, 2009

2👍 3👎

Mr Spherical

Some countryball youtuber with a million subscribers and balls of steel. My man made the multiverse bruh.

guy 1: Hey is that Mr Spherical
guy 2: That lame countryball youtuber? LAMEEEEE
also guy 2: why do people call it tiny its average!!!!!

by C001 GUY September 12, 2022

spherical landing

A landing that is at least -200 fpm, but has a 2 or more g's

Spherical is on approach 31L KJFK
He floats

by -305fpm 6g's October 30, 2021

spherical dumbass

Because no matter which way you look at it, the person is a dumbass

He wears fake non-prescription glasses in order to look smart, but in reality he's a spherical dumbass

by Historical Definitions September 18, 2019