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he is a very annoying cunt. he is a bitch boy

the guy: gets on his knees to worship amia
man: oh that guy is such a squibb

by @robloxislif3 November 26, 2020


1. An adult or child that has lost the ability to function in life without the aid of a screen. Often they can be seen hunched over an Ipad with headphones on. Most squibbs develope a hunched back and their eyes are normally glossed over and bloodshot. When left without a screen they suffer withdrawals, most commonly in the form of a tantrum.

2. An adult or child who cannot handle losing. If they lose in a game they will throw a tantrum. Although not a requirement they are often raised by millennial parents who are obsessed with their children's feelings.

3. A spoiled adult or child.

"We are raising a nation of squibbs"

-Lucky's Dad(Bluey)

Turn off the TV, you are turning into a Squibb.

by Ottix November 29, 2024