A corrupt, dirty, midwestern city on the border of illinois that has one of the highest crime, theft, obesity and std rates in the country, has one of the lowest literacy rates and is still stuck in 1960's. Thier only claims to fame are the arch, a retarted knockoff of horseshoes called washers (prounounced warschers) and toasted ravioli. Almost 95% of guys in st. louis are pink polo shirt wearing, collar poppin, wanna be frat boy douschebags. About the same percentage of girls only care about what you drive and how much money you make. Everyone in St. Louis thinks they know each other so you will be constantly asked where you went to high school and who you know and hang out with. Also you will be judged on where you grew up or which part of town you live in. West= posh and stuck up SOUTH= white trash EAST and North= ghetto. Also the word ignorant is used no stop and no one really knows what it means. ex...
Person A: Wanna go to boogaloo and get a drink?
Person B: Boogaloo! hell no that place is ignorant.
Also the weather is humid in the summer and cold in the winter. St. Louis also has a scary insect problem (espically cockroaches. If your planning to look for good bears in St. Louis your screwed. They only have 1 mediocre brewery called schlafly, and other than that it's all budweiser. If you go about 1/2 hour anywhere outside the city limits your in the country and can visit renouned places like Bob's one stop which sells boats, propane, alchohol and guns, and hang out with pregnant ladies with mullets wearing camoflage
St. Louis missourah
118๐ 403๐
The capital of flyover country. Also the gay capital of the Midwest. St. Louis has the most broken educational system in the Midwest, whereby the "good" schools are segregated by sex, and the "bad" schools are not about education so much as they are about incarceration. The colleges in St. Louis are completely overrated and prepare students for a life of Midwest Mediocrity. Any college graduate with an ounce of ambition avoids St. Louis like the plague.
St. Louis is a very segregated city - The North side is for the brothers and sisters, the South side is for the "hoosiers," the West side is for the privileged snobs and the East Side is where you go for strippers. People live in St. Louis because the cost of living is dirt cheap. Most inhabitants of St. Louis have given up on life and are completely out of shape. You will find a McDonald's every two blocks, but a Subway once in a blue moon.
St. Louis is as boring as any city in the Midwest. There is one block in Midtown that has two or three "hip" bars where young people go to pretend having a good time. The entire town is obsessed with baseball, so all fun-loving St. Louisans stay home every night and watch the baseball game. St. Louis has many parks, but at any given time the park is inhabited by an abundance of promiscuous gay men.
St. Louis is the ultimate "trap city."
Joe: "Why are you moving to St. Louis?"
Bob: "I want to get fat, send my kid to an all-boys school and stay home every night watching TV!"
32๐ 117๐
Substitute for the sexual innuendo to ram. St. Louis is the home of the Rams...
Yo man, would you St. Louis that?
21๐ 77๐
A place that only people who are NOT "native St. Louisans" are able to recognize as the corner of hell it truly is. The delusional hicks who were born and bred there like to imagine themselves being at the very center of the universe. If only these obese morons weren't so lazy they'd realize how pathetic it really is.
Aside from a halfway decent yet obscure university (WashU), a mega piss-factory (Budweiser) and a great baseball team (Cardinals), there is nothing to recommend this place. Unless, of course, you happen to have a thing for ugly women, in which case St. Louis is just the perfect town for you.
73๐ 313๐
Good city, only real hicks are in south Missouri. And were ranked like 2nd most dangerous city to live in. So im sick of hearin' how tough new yorkers are.
"I hear New Yorkers are tough."
"Pssh. No!"
456๐ 162๐
1. A tragically underappreciated urban environment, tragically situated in an ass backwards state, which features beautiful parks, breathtaking architecture, and world class cultural amenities.
2. A city made up of urbanites, gays, and young professionals. A great city to live offering a low cost of living, up and coming public transit, lively night life, and some of the best educational institutions of the midwest.
3. Some Catholic saint, who cares?
Uninformed person: What's there to do in <makes pretentious face> st louis?
Informed person: See above
404๐ 157๐
The City that no one knows that much about, and most people in the country dont even know what state its in.
St Louis is that guy at a party that you dont relize is there until he leaves with your chick.
332๐ 135๐