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stay gold

Comes from the Robert Frost poem, "Nothing gold can stay." Often can refer to staying true to yourself and your own character.

More literal meanings can be to stay where you are, in whatever figurative meaning (ie: relationship, city, state, country) you can conjure up.

"Stay gold, Ponyboy."

by Topher33 May 21, 2007

580👍 202👎

Stay gold

Stay true and pure, have integrity.

Remember who you are and don't change it.

Be yourself.

"Stay gold...Ponyboy."

by Roy and Phil February 19, 2009

594👍 231👎

stay gold

Employs a variety of meanings, all of which gravitate around themes of maintaining self, integrity, and youth. Used extensively in the straight edge doctrine of pure living to mean "stay free of drugs, alcohol, and other vices."

Derived from the last line of Robert Frost's acclaimed poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay".

"Stay--stay gold. Stay--true to yourself, to your friends, and never let go."

by onemanarmy October 4, 2007

249👍 146👎

Stay gold, Ponyboy...Stay gold...

Used in the GREAT novel The Outsiders, by S.E.Hinton. Meaning, continue being innocent, and pure. Often used as a way to say, "Good-Bye."

Keith:Bye, see you later.
Johnny: Remember to Stay gold, Ponyboy...Stay gold... , kaykay?

by julefuncool October 18, 2006

1428👍 225👎

stay gold

Stay Gold : continue to be awesome at the world

Hey Hotshot, your gold. Please, Stay Gold you beast!

by Atlas _ Hotshot November 29, 2016

4👍 2👎

bro stay gold

Can be said either way: Bro stay gold or stay gold bro. Bro term for: "Hey man, stay cool." (I.e. Stay safe, don't fuck fat chicks, don't be a fucktard, etc.)

Bro 1: Hey man I'm gonna bail. I got an open invite to bang that chick from last night.
Bro 2: Alright! Bro stay gold!

Frat boy 1: Hey man, I gotta bail, got class in the morning.
Frat boy 2: BRO!!! Stay Gold!
Frat boy 1: Yea man you're totally right! What bar next?

by ChickenForALickin February 24, 2017

2👍 1👎

stay gold, pony girl

do your thing & respect yourself

your body different… stay gold, pony girl”

by sretaw, trebor July 13, 2022