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Usually a Stephan is a cocky and sporty guy. He doesn't admit to his mistakes as well as being an overall asshole. The only thing a Stephan wants is "funky time" with a girl that isn't you especially after you guys are married or very close to that.

Oh yeah! That's Stephan, he cheated on me last year, 1 month before the wedding!

by and_thats_the_tea October 19, 2019

7πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Stephan is a poor undisierable who challenges anyone who stands up to him then places blame on the person who challenged him after loss of challenge. He is the king of ducking and the greatest victim that has ever lived. Coward was its own definition but now it's Stephan.

Stop being a little Stephan and fight me

by The verdict October 23, 2020

6πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Amazing person! Very intelegent, funny ,and a good kisser. Also a very good dancer

Stephane is an awsm guy who everybody should love!

by Steff_184 December 27, 2008

326πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž


the hottest guy in the world. he plays football, hockey, and baseball, and is so damn good! all girls adore him and all guys wanna be his friend. he is extremely popular, yet in a good way, as everyone likes him. he wears his hat backwards and got a love letter in a purple folder from a girl in the 8th grade expressing her love for him.

girl 1: hey will you give this purple folder to stephan but don't tell him who sent it?
boy 1: yeah, man i knew it would be someone like him. he's so popular.

(next day)

girl 1: we delivered the letter!
stephan's girl: omg!! thanks guys so much!! i am so happy!! *sighs* he is so beautiful...

by i know who sent it November 17, 2008

775πŸ‘ 408πŸ‘Ž


an incredibly attractive, strong man of french decent who not only is insanely smart and funny but also a great friend and can usually be relied on to support you through whatever you're going through.

That sweet french guy over there is a total Stephane!

by geekgrrl February 3, 2010

348πŸ‘ 177πŸ‘Ž


To perfect a document or presentation both grammatically and aesthetically; to greatly improve upon the sad submissions from sales team by correcting letter case, spelling, word use, layout, spacing, and adding animation.

I’m sending around a new version of the deck now that it’s been Stephanized - please make sure to burn all old copies.

by A. Beaverhousen August 25, 2019

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A young male who is considered a bright person by others,
but at the same time is considered to be lazy.
Usually knows alot and is the opposite of nieve but has tons of trouble applying what he knows.Is also cosidered a "go to" person if you have ANY questions whatsoever.He is often mis understood physicaly.But on certain feilds of sports (football,track,baseball, tennis)is considered a beast.And no matter who comfronts him he usually wont do anything until someone is hurt.Inside he is a "ticking time bomb" (as stephan means in greek mythology),he doesnt show any signs of anger but when he is ready he will go off.He is in most cases a very sexually incline person who knows what he wants and knows what she wants in bed.Though he chooses not to show his intrest in women he will eventually show it in a BIG way.

Rick:"Damn!,why wont stephan do anything about that racist bitch?!"

Ryan:"Just wait,he'll break eventualy."

by kcandy May 31, 2008

592πŸ‘ 342πŸ‘Ž