This is a group of adolescents passionate about equestrian. While many say it is not a sport, That was the one he had said it would be. The fact of the matter is, To the world, is to be chill with you. Facts. Straight of them. While yes, the way that life has happened will always be around the world. And to say, that horses are no longer graceful or no one else can do that. Peaceful regards my fellow Conrad’s. Cool
Girl: Hahah someone just went out
Boy: stram
(noun) A colloquialism for stream used in the context of a live DJ set on Twitch – a misspelling that caught on for fans in one chat, who took it to a whole host of similar channels. Spread is similar to that of “plamp” from earlier in 2020.
*in a text/DM/comment section*
Person 1: Damn, that Justin Martin stram was good!
Person 2: I know, I’m stram fam for life!