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Suburban Dictionary

A dictionary of definitions and proper usage of "white" people words.

Guy 1: "Fuck does Tarnation mean?"

Guy 2: "I don't know fam check Suburban Dictionary."

by Atdefdis February 25, 2017

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suburban dictionary

The "suburbanite" dictionary. It consists of no slang or profanities and it is all out proper.

by mademoiselle September 24, 2003

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suburban dictionary

A dictionary of words or phrases used by affluent or educated Americans.

"Yuppie" is a word found in the suburban dictionary.

by smjgJsbjgsm October 29, 2018

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suburban dictionary

An ironic phrase childishly inserted into an online street language reference in order to take the piss.

"What *you* think 'suburban dictionary' means? Foo'!"

by A-chan September 28, 2003

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suburban dictionary

a dictionary that should exist for red necks and little pansy ass bitches that dont kno no ebonics dawg.

you need to gets a suburban dictionary.

by joseph mandagez March 5, 2007

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Suburban Dictionary

A subpar version of the Urban Dictionary.

You use the Suburban Dictionary? What a pleb.

by hi,no September 19, 2022

Suburban Dictionary

2-10 urban dictionary users that live in the same neighborhood

Oh cool so we live in suburban dictionary?

by Ionlymadethisaccountforafewwor July 8, 2019