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summer love

a brief yet passionate relationship. because of commitments, you each go your separate ways but the time spent together was meaningful to you.

Jenni: He's going back to college in california at the end of the summer and we won't see each other until next summer
Carly: So what do you call that?
Jenni: Summer love

by izzyd8 May 26, 2011

150👍 22👎

Summer Love

When you meet someone of the opposite sex during summer or on vacation and you think you're in love but in actuallity you're not and it's more lust than love.

A: I met this fine girl on vacation last week and now we're in love

B: No dude, it's just Summer Love

by Zeeky Freeky August 7, 2007

268👍 121👎

Summers Love

Unique, Intelligent, Beautiful, loves aggressive and romantic behavior. Looses interest quickly when they feel unwanted or attention lack. Loyal and honest. A keeper.

Brianna characteristics exhibit that of Summers Love.

by Reality123$ March 14, 2017

2👍 5👎

SuMmer Love

SuMmer '10 . . . is coming right around the corner.. and its going to be A M A Z I N G . . . why? Because your other half from abroad shall be coming down to a very SMall island called home. And when that person comes. It'll be SUPPPPER DOOOOPPPER AMAZING!!

Love . . . well it'll be FULL of love.. australian kisses.. cherries.. whip cream.. chocolate.. duct tape.. sunset cruises.. massages.. coloring hair in funky colors.. smiles .. laughter.. it'll be a blast.. thats why its "SuMmer Love"

Ps: I heart you "Gift of God" <3

SuMmer Love should be a never be forgotten memory

by AustralianCherry May 26, 2010

18👍 84👎

Tutti Frutti Summer Love

(n) An Eastern-European activity involving any number of scantily-clad men and women, techno music, a trampoline, bad facial hair, and various fruits. Nudity is encouraged.

"It's a no-no, and you like it, Tutti Frutti Summer Love."

by JerakRoyale April 27, 2006

33👍 5👎

Gimme Summer Ya Love

An All Time Low tour in the summer of 2011 featuring Mayday Parade, The Cab, Cartel, We Are The In Crowd, The Starting line and Brighter. The tour was a Canadian tour with select American Dates.

I went to one of the shows in the Gimme Summer Ya Love tour and it was fucking amazing.

by KayBaay August 11, 2011


The excitement of finishing a school year and having 3 months off of the best weather to mess around freely. A trip to the lake and you set gaze on someone that completely wrecks whatever else you had going through your mind as eyes match. Intensity squared. By the end of summer the rot sets in and with the reality of another school year starting and things start falling apart. The relationship ends as the rubber meets the road. Inside you're left with memories overflowing into a bottomless pit of despair. Everything comes to an end, but some ends are more painful than others. It's the intensity of summer love that keeps me coming back for more. And the candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long. This is Summer-Love.

Why does that guy look so devastated?
His Summer-Love just dumped him while he was changing his life to follow her into the eternity which was the depth of their connection.

by DeCryptIcon February 17, 2022